I'll be honest: I've started blogs before and I never keep up with them. Never. I don't have it in me. But I'm really really going to try to have it in me for this one. In part because I want to; in part because I know there are a lot of people out there curious about what I'm up to.
I'll do my very best to keep this space up-to-date, which will hopefully mean a post a week or a little more. I can tell you right now that stretches will go by where nothing will happen. Other times I will furiously post three different things in a single day. It's how I operate. I'll try to be consistent though. And post pictures. Feel free to message me and tell me to write more, it'll get my ass in gear.
A few housekeeping notes:
- This section of the blog will be for my weekly (or so) updates. Anything of serious substance will be here.
- The Teaching section of my blog will be notes and thoughts about my job - something that will hopefully be of use in improving my work while also providing a (likely hilarious) record of my first teaching days.
- The Thoughts section will be just that: thoughts I want to share, extended essays about various things, etc. This is the lost and found.
- The Background section will be dedicated to the photos I use as background material for my blog. Right now I'm poaching photos off the internet, but in the future I'll be using photos of my own. Look under this tab for the full images along with descriptions, stories, etc.
- The Disclaimer sections is exactly what it sounds like. The US Government doesn't have enough of a sense of humor to make me their spokesperson, so don't make the mistake of assuming I am. Everything expressed in this blog through any medium is a product of my own and in no way represents the views or opinions of the US Government.
And lastly, to anyone reading: thank you, you rock.
That should do it. Any questions feel free to comment or email me. I'll have another post up about my last few weeks before I jump on the plane next Friday!